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Be Prepared!

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Preparation for any type of manmade or natural disaster could be the difference between life and death. At the EOC, we work day and night to ensure our preparation plan is in place before disaster strikes. Utilizing our resources, we work hand-in-hand with local law enforcement, fire, Emergency Medical Services (EMS), city and county works, electric companies, big and small businesses, healthcare facilities, extended care facilities, mental health facilities, schools, and, of course, the community! 
Although each disaster is different, one commonality between each and every incident is that preparation can make a huge difference. Having in place emergency personnel to respond, food and water supplies, gas and diesel, medical supplies, shelter and other necessaties in the event of a disaster helps emergency management mitigate the overall effects of an incident. As a member of your community, you too can help yourself, your friends and family, your property and others in your community by taking proactive steps to ensure you are prepared for the next disaster. 
There are many types of disasters our country can face, but here in Jones County Mississippi, we will take a look at the most common storms and disasters we face yearly, and how you can prepare! For a full list of disaster and storm preparation, please visit FEMA's


Hurricanes are massive storm systems that form over warm ocean waters and move toward land. Potential threats from hurricanes include powerful winds, heavy rainfall, storm surges, coastal and inland flooding, rip currents, tornadoes, and landslides. 



Tornadoes can destroy buildings, flip cars, and create deadly flying debris. Tornadoes are violently rotating columns of air that extend from a thunderstorm to the ground.



Lightning is a leading cause of injury and death from weather-related hazards. Although most lightning victims survive, people struck by lightning often report a variety of long-term, debilitating symptoms. Thunderstorms are dangerous storms that include lightning



Failing to evacuate flooded areas, entering flood waters, or remaining after a flood has passed can result in injury or death. Flooding is a temporary overflow of water onto land that is normally dry. Floods are the most common natural disaster in the United States.



Winter storms create a higher risk of car accidents, hypothermia, frostbite, carbon monoxide poisoning, and heart attacks from overexertion. Winter storms and blizzards can bring extreme cold, freezing rain, snow, ice, and high winds.



Extreme Heat often results in the highest number of annual deaths among all weather-related hazards. In most of the United States, extreme heat is defined as a long period (2 to 3 days) of high heat and humidity with temperatures above 90 degrees. In extreme heat, evaporation is slowed and the body must work extra hard to maintain a normal temperature. This can lead to death by overworking the human body



Extended power outages may impact the whole community and the economy. A power outage is when the electrical power goes out unexpectedly.